Ngorongoro Crater


Ngorongoro Crater is the highlight of the Ngorongoro Conservation area, a world heritage site located 180km west of Arusha. The crater itself is the world’s largest inactive, intact, and unfilled volcanic caldera, offers people access to “the unparalleled beauty of one of the world’s most unchanged wildlife sanctuaries”, according to a local government brochure.

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At 610 meters (2000 feet) deep, and covering an expanse that measures 260 square kilometers (100 square miles), this world famous crater is a natural enclose that is perfectly suited to host wildlife in numbers that are guaranteed to impress you. In fact, approximately 25,000 large animals are known to live in the crater, including the very rare black rhinoceros. More commonly seen are African buffalo, hippopotamuses, wildebeest, Grant’s zebra, common eland, and Grant’s and Thomson’s Gazelles.

In the southwest area of the crater lies Lake Magadi, which is usually decorated with thousands of mainly lesser flamingoes.

Perhaps more exciting for safari goers is the fact that the crater proudly boasts one of the densest populations of Masai lions; in 2001 the recorded number of lions were 62.

Additional information


Camping, Lodge

What's Included?

Every safari excursion will include the following amenities:
• Accommodation one night before the safari at bed and breakfast
• All the parks fees
• Guiding fees
• Accommodation in camps or lodge during safari
• Meals, full board at the lodges on safari/at the camps
• Conservation fees
• Transfer to and from the national parks
• Full game drives in the mentioned parks
• Local government taxes
• Camping fees and camping facilities
• Meals in full board at the lodge and at Camp
• Professional safari Chef for campers