How to Book a Trip with Enjoy Kilimanjaro

How to Book a Trip with Enjoy Kilimanjaro

Booking a trip with us is easy.

First, browse our Kilimanjaro and Safari Expeditions (shown below). You can mix and match any combination you would like, and we can certainly customize your trip…so don’t be afraid to contact us to see if we can accommodate your requests.

Once you’ve formed an idea of the type of trip you’d want, send us a booking inquiry. We will double check availability, make sure the itinerary looks good, and if everything checks out, we will send an invoice for the total amount. Click here to learn more about payment / pricing. 

We accept most credit cards, which ensures your safety; most other tour operators ask you to bring the equivalent sums in cash to Africa.

Also, we offer a customer service in the USA, which facilitates planning and logistics, due to easier communication.

Kilimanjaro Expeditions:

Safari Tours: