About Us

About Us

Founded in 2017, Enjoy Kilimanjaro is a company dedicated to pairing experienced guides with adventure enthusiasts, without any of the middle-men. Most expedition or trekking companies will have many employees, including a management team which handle all forms of payment, logistics, etc. In the end, the porters, guides, and cooks earn very little, despite doing all of the work, and the person running the company will be earning the lions share. Not really fair, is it?

Thus, Enjoy Kilimanjaro was created to bridge the gap. Using our program, you are guaranteed to get an experience of a lifetime, given our very careful selection of head guides, porters, and team. Best of all, you know that all proceeds will go directly to those helping you up the mountain! It will directly impact the families of those you will get to know on your multi-day trek up Kilimanjaro, or Safari tour.

Best of all, we utilize the safest technology to protect your payment. Most companies will accept only cash, or ask you to wire money to an account in Africa. This is a leap of faith that many are not comfortable with. With Enjoy Kilimanjaro, all expenses are covered using your credit card, providing you all of the peace of mind that comes with that payment method.